Monday, February 5, 2007

Hello...... what's this?

Blog? Blog? What is this? Blog? Blog! .....BlogBlogBlogBlog!! Well.... it is fun to say anyway! Greetings to you all from your old pal Rocko. Sorry I have been a bit scarce on this web site of ours. I told myself that I would concentrate on doing all the little things around my home that I have said I would do "when I get time". I gave myself the deadline of Super Bowl Sunday to complete these tasks, and I have done a relatively good job of knocking them out. Today, I am putting the final coat of paint in my office, and then I am pretty much done..... until I find some more things to do!

Our new webmaster, who I call "The Doctor", has done a fantastic job of making-over the web site. The pictures that people have sent to us from the Hawaii show are unbelievable. Thank you all so much for sending them to us. If any more come to us we will add them to the rest.

A lot of you have asked about T-shirts, CD's, Video, or bootlegs of our show. Herein lies the problem with our little rock band in the real world. We don't have a record company, manager, or any more songs recorded...... yet! We did take some video of the show, and we have some cool stuff ready to show you, but then the "legal" issues come up. We cannot put anything on the Internet that we did didn't write unless we receive permission from the entity that owns the publishing rights. This can be relatively expensive for some songs. Now if we had a record company and a manager, this could all be subject to negotiation. At this point we have neither.

Since we first started this project, we have not made a dime on any of our songs because..... well, we have pretty much shared our music for free! Record Companies tend to frown on this kind of behaviour because it is not how they do business. We of course would like to become real rock stars and get a record contract and quit our jobs as road crew and play music for the rest of our lives, but it ain't gonna happen by next week. So we will still be working for artists that we love and doing the music on the side. As far as putting out our own video of the show, or printing our own T-shirts, or releasing a CD..... the up-front money to finance this is more than I can afford right now. After all, I am unemployed right now..... but not for long I suspect.

Now that's not to say we are giving up on the Devils by any means. I have been in my basement writing new songs, and I am pretty proud of them! I hope to get together with the rest of the guys soon and see what they sound like with their ideas as well. I do however want to share some of the video we have from Hawaii. I am just working out the details of some legal issues, which I should have very soon. So I hope you will be patient for just a little while longer, and I think you will find it is worth the wait. Stay tuned my friends!

Love - Rocko


Anonymous said...

What a nice blog you have here, Rocko! I'm looking forward to read regular (he he) updates from the Devils.

I can imagine that the legal issues can be a bit hard to overcome, but we'll wait patiently and see what comes our way. There is a right time for everything.

The pictures on the web site are great! It is amazing to see all these pics people took that magic night..... floating away to Hawaii again!

Hey, if you want to make some dimes, just have us download your new songs from iTunes! I'll be happy to pay $0.99 for a Devilish tune!

Enjoy the time at home, before you hit the road again.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Why did I even wonder who was the first comment from? eh? why?

aaaaaaaaaaanyway... thanks for taking the time to write this blog Rocko! you'll get used to it, and will probably also come here to rant a bit when you need it :p

I really hope we'll see more from the rest of the Devils too! I'm not saying that I don't like your writings Rocko... come on.... don't be so touchy now...

sammi said...

Rocko - you're the best. we love being on this end of your rockstar career so in a few years you'll have an elipse full of rockopians who knew you when. but as much as i ride you about the shirts, i understand, just wish U2 still had Mother Records going or that they or journey would invest in you, but hey, they'd lose the world's finest road tech so i can see why they wouldn't. but the hunger will keep you going it sounds like. and we love ya, and love your basement and to do list and daily life for that. and the generosity and for meeting us here.

stay close, we love ya,

sammi in seattle =)

Anonymous said...

Im quite sure you can get some t-shirts "doctored" up on cafepress or zazzle.

It's nice to see you embracing technology, and coming over to the dark side. Hope to hear a lot of whats going on with you the other devils, and please know that all us fans do apprecciate the effort to make contact with us.

Love the Hawaii photo spread, im actually in one of the pictures from when you are on the b-stage, that made my day :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new "Blog" and the release of the Rocko and the Devils Concert footage!
Thank you so much for pushing through all the "red tape" to make it all a reality. . .it was so worth the wait. It totally took me back to that night - an unforgettable experience.

Can't wait to see what is coming next :)))
